New Website

I have been toying around with bringing back online for a while but was effectively stuck in “analysis paralysis.” Finally, after a couple of false starts, I found Hugo, and more specifically, the Academic theme for Hugo. To call Academic a “theme,” though, seems to be a bit of an understatement. It adds a lot of functionality to Hugo, much of which I am not personally using. Hugo Academic is explicitly designed to support academically-oriented websites and is commonly used for the personal web pages of researchers and other academics.

I would consider what I have here to be a strong start on creating a new home on the web, but it is not quite finished even after many hours of work. So please be patient as I continue to personalize and update this content.

Toby C. Cornish
Toby C. Cornish
Professor of Pathology and Data Science Institute

Clinical informaticist, gastrointestinal pathologist, and researcher.